Renowned gospel artist Jabu Hlongwane, co-founder of the beloved ensemble Joyous Celebration, is set to grace the stage with his transformative music and ministry in a grand event titled "Jabu Hlongwane's Crosspower Experience."
Hosted at PACOFS in Bloemfontein, Free State, this live show on May 4th promises an unforgettable spiritual journey for attendees.
Hlongwane, not only a celebrated musician but also a pastor leading the impactful Crosspower Ministries, brings his latest musical endeavor to life with his upcoming album "Crosspower Experience 4." Featuring soul-stirring singles like "Ngizombonga Ngani" and "Sihlezi Kahle," this album captures the essence of Hlongwane's message of faith, hope, and worship.
In a gesture of generosity and support for emerging talent, Hlongwane opens the stage to upcoming artists seeking their breakthrough moment. Dubbed "The Gospel Music Spotlight," this segment offers aspiring musicians a chance to shine alongside industry stalwarts.
Auditions for hopefuls will be held on April 10th and 11th at PACOFS from 9 am onwards.
To participate, applicants are required to prepare two songs in any language and register by SMSing their name, surname, address, contact details, and ID number to the phone number on the poster.
It's not just about solo acts; aspiring backing vocalists also have a shot at being part of Hlongwane's performance team. Auditions for this coveted opportunity will run concurrently with the main auditions, offering a chance for talented individuals to contribute their voices to the uplifting atmosphere of the Crosspower Experience.
For those passionate about gospel music and eager to make their mark in the industry, Jabu Hlongwane's Crosspower Experience serves as both a platform for performance and a beacon of inspiration. With its blend of seasoned talent and emerging voices, this event promises to be a celebration of faith, music, and community like no other.
Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary journey on May 4th at PACOFS.
Tickets to the show are available at Pick 'n Pay / Webtickets. Get yours today and be a part of The Crosspower Experience!